The Deepest Bow Of Heartfelt Gratitude & Appreciation To My Teachers

  • E-RYT-200: O2 Yoga - Mimi Loureiro, Elliot McEldowny

  • E-RYT 200: Vinyasa, Buti Yoga & Hot Buti : Bizzie Gold, Crystal Palermo, Britt Hodgen

  • E-RYT-500: Rolf Gates, Jacqui Bonwell, David Vendetti

  • Buti Yoga Certified: Sasha "Fierce" Watson

  • Reiki Certified 1 & 2: Libby Barnett

  • Chakra Therapy & Bio-energetics: Anondea Judith

  • Rise, Sister, Rise - Ritual Initiation: Rebecca Cambell 

  • Date With Destiny: Tony Robbins

  • Journey Dance Guide Training: Toni Bergins

  • Trance Mediumship: Tony Stockwell

  • Yogastrology Initiation: Allison Jones

  • Connecting To Nature Spirits: Sandra Ingerman

  • Shamanic Journeying: Itzhak Beery

  • Zen In The Garden, Mandalas, Sacred Symbols, & Connecting To Nature: Paul & Angie Check

  • Debra Silverman Applied Astrology Levels 1,2, &3: Debra Silverman Astrology Team & Sara G.

  • Kundalini 200 HR: Yoga Farm Ithica

  • Total Knowledge Angelic Frequency Training: Dr. Tony Cahill




I am here to light your fire, help you remember just how spectacular, worthy and POWERFUL you are, and collaborate through spiritual guidance to create the life you crave with all of that passion and confidence steering the way. 

I am an Intuitive.

A healer.

An energy alchemist. 

A truth speaker.

An eating disorder recovery warrior and former perfectionist, integrating the tough parts of life with the joyous ones.

A master of breaking through emotional blocks and getting the good juju to come rushing in.

A novice surfer and a dance party starter.

With incredible success, I follow the phases of the moon and stars as my personal happiness navigation system. I believe in the power of Palo Santo and I read Tarot cards. I love adventure and nature and how these things change us at a cellular level. 

I am a human being doing my best to be the realest I can be while showing up authentically through it all.


Happy Camper

I am here to light your fire, help you remember just how spectacular, worthy and POWERFUL you are, and then work with you to create the life you crave with all of that passion and confidence steering the way.


YOGA & Meditation

I believe yoga is one of the greatest healing resources we have and a consistent practice has saved me during the darkest of days. Join me with an open mind and a willingness to meet yourself where you are at. 

I love this practice because it gives me a way to reel in my overactive brain. It cultivates the physical strength to keep me on the path to feeling balanced. Bringing attention to my breath allows me to create space between my rapidly firing thoughts and shift my perspective in a positive way. It is only recently that I have discovered the magic that space creates. Over the years, this creation of space has given me the awareness to evaluate how I live, what I say, and how I treat others. Most importantly, getting on my mat reminds me to accept myself as I am everyday and remember that I am just a tiny part of the bigger picture. It humbles me. It makes me smile. It helps me reconnect to exactly who I came here to be. 

Private yoga, guided meditation and breath-work makes the human heart sing with joy! Contact me for your special events, gatherings or private sessions. 


What it's like to experience dance with me


As someone who has overcome serious body image and health struggles, I have used dance as a tool for emotional well-being and hope to inspire others to do the same. I am done dancing for others. When you take class with me, you dance not to be seen by the observer's eye, but instead to connect to your deepest, realest, truest self. Dance is a tool for self expression, self-love, and freedom of spirit.