Shira credits her ability to create thoughtful and challenging sequences to her phenomenal teachers, Mimi Loureiro, Elliott McEldowney, David Vendetti, Jaqui Bonwell, Rolf Gates, and so many other yogis in the Boston area.  For Shira, yoga is just another form of dance, where you move to the rhythm of your breath and dance with your truest self. Her classes are full of energy, playfulness, and fun, and will leave you feeling balanced, sweaty, and strong.

"Yoga gives me the mental dedication and physical strength to keep me on the path to staying healthy and feeling balanced. Bringing attention to my breath allows me to create space between my rapidly firing thoughts and shift my perspective in a positive way. Over the years, this creation of space has given me the awareness to evaluate how I live, what I say, and how I treat others. Getting on my mat also reminds me to accept myself as I am everyday and to find gratitude for each day as it comes."

E-RYT-200 O2 Yoga Mimi Loureiro
E-RYT-500 Rolf Gates, Jacqui Bonwell, David Vendetti
Buti Yoga
Reiki Cert. 1 & 2


As someone who has overcome serious body image and health struggles, Shira has used dance as a tool for health and hopes to inspire others to take the chance to do the same.

Shira puts some serious sass into teaching and never takes herself too seriously. Her dance fitness style has a Hip-Hop flavor and her choreography is flirty, fun, and challenging, but still easy to follow. She is often inspired by dance video choreography (think Beyonce) and she brings this inspiration to the dance studio. 

Her classes are high energy and she expects you to work it! You will leave sweaty, happy, and feeling like a super star.


Photography courtesy of Lightchaser Photography.