Pisces energy offers us the emotional depth needed to tap into our psychic and intuitive powers. It reminds us that we are our own healers, gurus and magicians. Pisces energy asks that we allow ourselves to feel...and I mean FEEL the flow of emotion and energy that exists from moment to moment.
Pisces is a deeply emotive sign that knows that its sensitivity (unlike what we have been told by society) is actually the seed of its power.
Going to Jamaica was like stepping into a world I never really knew existed. I went in thinking I was going to teach yoga, play in the waves, eat fresh fruit, connect with a beautiful group of humans and get in touch with nature, but I left with something I could have never prepared myself for; a new level of trust and the ability to love the world around me even more deeply.
Intuition arrives when we choose to trust ourselves over and over again.Intuition is a gift and a power we all have, but sometimes it is so buried deep under layers of stress, frustration, day to day nonsense, that we don't feel we have any inner power, light and compass at all. Your intuition is your guidance system.
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I don’t know about you, but I feel as though these last few weeks with the Sun in Scorpio, sign of the underworld, death, depth, discomfort, renewal, and regeneration have been so intense.
I've been having more conversations than ever before about BEING ANGRY. It turns out that so many of us are experiencing a sweeping wildfire of volcanic frustrations, annoyances, and overall I-have-had-enough-of-this-crap-political-done-ness (raise your hand if you know what I am talking about. Oh, it's everyone!? Okay. Great!)
Let's Talk About What It Means To "Surrender."
There are times in our lives when we feel that something is just a little off or out of balance. Maybe we know e x a c t l y what the 'issue' is and we confront it head on, making changes where necessary and shifting what needs to be shifted. Other times, however, we know exactly what the issue is, yet...we continue to sit in it. We wade in the discomfort, the control, and sometimes the addiction to safety that is hurting our hearts.
Have you ever been pushing your hardest in a Spin, Zumba, Power Yoga, Barre, Boxing, or Strength Class and heard the instructor scream fervidly from the top of their lungs, “SUMMER IS COMING EVERYONE! NOW LET’S GET THAT BIKINI BODY!”
Failure, rejection, the sense of seeming ‘not good enough,’ of being used or misunderstood, unworthy, compared to, and judged are all experiences that I (and all humans around the globe) know well. There are times when we are riding the waves of life, with all its challenges and surprises like pro surfers, and there are other times when we feel like we can’t even put our pants on straight, days when we break everything we touch, say all the wrong things, and are on the verge of tears for weeks at a time.
I recently attended a workshop called, The Happiness Method, where I listened to a well-intentioned spiritual man tell a group of 50 women how to be happy.
Before writing this piece, I wanted to do a little research and see what I could scoop up from his teachings, as well as get an idea of what he was putting out to the world wide web. His website made my heart melt and the stone cold frustration I’d been carrying over the past few days simply slipped away. It glowed with beautiful photos that seemed to capture the depth of his potential and authentic love for all, but in his workshop, something big happened inside of me that I couldn't ignore, push down, or repress. I became triggered and I needed to speak my truth.
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