The Truth Will Set You Free For This Powerful Full Moon In Aries & Pluto Direct


October Important Astrological Shifts:
Full Moon in Aries: 10/13
Venus Enter Scorpio: 10/8
Pluto Direct: 10/3
Mercury Enter Scorpio: 10 /3

Lately, I have been on a truth-telling rampage. At times, this gets me into trouble, but more often than not (and especially if I am truth-telling from the heart), my honesty affords me clarity and direction. Speaking it like it also results in a whole lot of surrendering from things that aren’t lightening up my energy and aligning with my spirit. 

Truth-telling allows me to let go of what I don't really want, but have had a bad habit of saying, "yes" to in the past. I have learned the hard way that if you push yourself for too long (doing something that is draining you or being in a situation that makes you feel held back or stuck), the whole thing will break down, crumble, and fall to pieces sooner or later. It is so much sweeter to do the divine dance of surrender than to have the rug pulled out from beneath your feet because you have been sleepwalking through life for too long. 

I have been going through some deep cellular changes and I'm sure some of you have too. We are not beings who are separate from this planet; we are of the earth. If you are a human being, you are interwoven with the earth, fire, water, and sky. If you are a human, you are part of the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth and the stars. This is such a blessing, but often feels more like a curse (especially if you don't like change.) 

This is the time of year when choosing to say, "no" to what no longer serves your growth, packs a powerful punch in the direction of freedom.

You have to be courageous.
You have to know yourself.
You have to value your time.
You have to trust yourself. 

You may have noticed that these Magic Monday emails have been scattered and I haven't had as many offerings.  I have been doing a whole lot of internal shifting. Before I understood what surrender felt like, I would have thought I just lost my mojo, my drive, and my motivation. I would have been shoulding all over myself and feeling all sorts of not-good-enough. I have had those moments of questioning, but deep down I know that I am in a stage of transformation that cannot be controlled or predicted. 

The truth is that taking a DEEP breath and break from what we love to do allows us to have the necessary space and time to dive into the heart and soul of what is most meaningful for us.

There is a season for everything in life and if we hold on to what no longer aligns, we end up resentful and suffering. 

Surrender is part of the natural order of things. Surrender (after the grieving of what we release) is total freedom. Freedom is our birthright. We are the only ones who can decide to release and say no to what holds our freedom, joy, and well-being hostage. 

Pluto is the planet of destruction, resurrection, renewal, endings, and beginnings. It is a powerful symbol of the dance we all participate in on this earth; the dance of life and death. Pluto is the god of the underworld and the ruler of Scorpio. Of all the signs, Scorpio is most well known for its energy of transmutation. It teaches, quite simply, that the old must die in order to reap the gifts of new beginnings. Read that again. 

This is also the blessing that seasonal change offers. The days get shorter, the temperature drops and Autumn asks that we tie up loose ends from Summer and prepare to enter the cocoon of great transformation.

With the upcoming Full Moon in Aries and Pluto finally moving direct after 5 months of retrograde, you might feel ready to release a whole lot of baggage that’s been weighing you down.

The full moon will be in Aries on Sunday, October 13th. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries begins and initiates with blazing and magnetic enthusiasm. Aries gives us a sense of fearlessness and courage. Aries comes in swiftly and with a sense of urgency, excitement, and fervor.

We are being asked to go within, reach deep into our truth, and allow what isn’t true and meaningful to us to fall away. When the moon is full, we have an opportunity to release, let go, surrender, and clear out that which no longer serves.

Be bold in saying, "no" to what isn't coming with you to your next destination. Your future self will thank you. 

Join me Monday, October 14th from 7 - 9 PM for a masterclass on energy clearing that will leave you feeling expansive, grateful, and free from what burdens you. 

Monday, October 14th
7 - 9 PM *recorded to watch anytime*

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