If you are anything like me (a lil' moon sensitive), you might feel the energy shift inward a few days coming into a new moon cycle. When the moon is disseminating, we are literally moving into the darkness from this vantage point on earth. Grandmother moon looks like she's getting smaller and smaller each day and spiritually speaking, this is a profound time to do the inner, subconscious work of continued clearing and releasing what was needed to be lovingly set free on the last full moon (about 2 weeks ago). The waning phase of the moon is like the tides of the ocean going back out to sea before rushing in again. Let it be. 

Take a few deep breaths and let yourself sit in whatever the feels are as we enter this new portal. There is no right or wrong way to be. There is always something to learn in the struggle. Compassion is key. 

New moons are most powerfully used as inward times of reflection and self-care. This is the regenerating, rejuvenating, and supporting cycle of the lunar phases. If I had a bathtub, I would fill it with roses and frankincense every new moon as a cleansing and body love ritual, but alas, all I have is a tiny stand-up shower and it will just have to do! A beautiful new moon aura and energy cleansing shower ritual is to imagine that you are washing away all the toxins and all the old 'stuff' from the past off of your body and sending it down the drain with love. Then, imagine the water from above filling you with love, courage, and life before you step out, towel down, essential oil up, and treat your body like the temple of awe and magnificence that it is.

Leo at its best, adores the human form. Leo rules creativity, play, passion, and love. It is the HEART of the zodiac wheel. Leo reminds us just how precious this vessel of life is. Like most humans, Leo's have to learn to love themselves fully; all the ins and outs and every nook and cranny, and when they finally learn to embrace the entirety of their being, watch out, world - they become unstoppable forces of LOVE.  

New moons ask for a new beginning, quiet, and silence before stepping into the next phase on our journey, but this moon feels different. It is just not like the others. 

The sky is currently in liberation & transformation mode. We are being urged to stand in our truth and align with our higher Self. 

This new moon in Leo during Leo season with Mars in Aries and Mercury in Leo and 6 planets in retrograde is a wild ride of unknown expansion and change. Simply put, there's A LOT of zest and heat in the air. Things just can't stay the same. There is a portal of heart-centered passion that is just waiting to be explored.

Leo is represented by the fiercer of the animals in the kingdom; the lion. The lion is bold, brave, and fearless. It does not want to be caged and will do what it needs to break itself free.

This lion hearted new moon is asking us if we are truly, madly, and deeply happy with ourselves, our choices, and the lives we have created. Yes, there are many restrictions on life right now, but we still have the capacity to CHOOSE what to focus on and how to take action (Mars) on what will help us grow. This might be a bit uncomfortable. Change is never easy, especially if you are a creature of habit i.e. a human, but the gifts from what we learn during this cycle are infinite and grand and worth the grit. 

Honesty is the name of the game and we will feel anything that is not in alignment with our values and integrity like a thorn in our side. Take out the thorn. Put on some healing salve and continue to trust what is coming. What is meant for you will not pass you by.

We are moving through times that will continue to ask us to show up for ourselves and each other. We have everything we need to take the next tiny step in the direction of our heart's calling.

Trust yourself. Trust your intuition.
What is your heart calling for?

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